I am always going out with the camera, even when no ones paying me, when there's not even an aim or reason. I just love taking photos, these are just a few of the photos I have taken in the last month or so that didn't have a place in the multiple projects I'm working on, or any other blog posts...
They have all been on my flickr stream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jacobgibbins for a few weeks, so for the latest from me add me on there...
Anyway enjoy, comment with your fav image from this post bellow...

Interesting weather makes interesting photos, and when Tavi was covered in thick fog for a whole day a few weeks back me and my mate will from uni went out and got some shots...( including some of me he took on MF film which I will post up when I get them )

One of my Mate Adam riding down the local woods, I love the texture in this shot.

Another one of Adam, this time railing a berm, 2 flashes, one low and right in front of him, another one back left of camera, both on about 1/16th power... ?

Yet again, Adam, this time trying to get his bars in the Dirt, and he did get it and ride it out...

Cool B/W portrait of my Mate Jay who I shot for Locals my film I made last winter
There are a load of old buildings all over Dartmoor, this is an old Tin Mine Pump house that I have been meaning to shoot for a while now, and the snow we had a few weeks back was the perfect chance

This is just an abstract shot looking through one of the old windows in the building...

Another one, this time with guest star to the blog, the Dartmoor pony.

Another one from the day Tavi was swallowed by mist, this time Will in the FG, and Fred up in the BG...
Anyway next blog post will be a photo/video post with a cool little short vid I did with my other mate Adam on Sat at his local trails for WideOpen and a few others...
Ta Jacob