Wednesday 2 December 2015

Joel Anderson - BMCC ( the Sony FS5's first real outing )

This last week went off to Wales, the Black Mountain Cycle Center to be more exact to shoot a short and simple shredit with Wideopenmags new pinner and test pilot Joel Anderson.

The brief was simple, a 2-3 min edit, doesn't need to be super polished just good solid riding and an intro to both Joel and the venue. Shot in 5 hours with the new Sony FS5.

This was the new cameras first real outing, and first finished product shot entirely on the camera. It did just as well as you would expect.

After talking with a few other Sony users I went for Slog2 with Cinema colour space as Slog3 was just a bit too noisy to trust 100% on a paying job and the end result is no worse off for it at all.

Main things I found out extra to my post last week after a quick play was:

  • The footage works fine in Premiere CC on 1/2 quality on my laptop ( specs in last blog ) 
  • The clear image zoom DOES affect quality, so use sparingly. 
  • Battery life is amazing. 
  • 400Fps has some nasty CA.
  • Vari NDs will change the way I shoot from now on. 
Being both a photographer and filmer, I also got a few still photos on the shoot to go up alongside the full article you can find here: 

Cheers for reading.
