Wednesday 28 September 2011

My 2011 Photobook/Portfolio

The time has come. The end of another season of racing...

That means many things for many people but for me it means I can put a good deal of photos online.

So I will just let the images do the talking this time...please see here:

Or to read on the site itself:

The photo slideshow video from this season will be going live in the coming days as well so watch out for that.



Tuesday 13 September 2011

How to get your work noticed?

I think I get asked this on an almost daily basis by someone...

I don't know why they all come to me, I'm sure all the other pro MTB photographers out there get asked the same questions and it made me realize just how luck I am to be doing what so many others obviously really want to be doing...

Anyway lets go in to why I'm guessing your here, the how...

Its not a straight forward formulaic thing, there is no set path for going from unknown to work in magazines and adverts but there are a few things that you can do to up your chances...

  • First thing is shoot lots. Shoot everything that moves ( and a lot of stuff that doesn't as well ) still life,portraits,landscapes etc, some people have a better eye for different subject maters. Your bike photos might always look a bit poo, but if you try shooting portraits you might find your calling...

  • Second is sharing your work. Having it all hauled up on your HDDs is all well and good but if no one see it, it probably wont get to much attention.

  • Only share the very best of your work! If you share everything even the sub par you will dilute the bangers with dross and so blend in to the hundreds of other people trying to do exactly the same thing you are.

  • Once you start to get noticed its just a case of keeping doing whats working and being professional and learning from mistakes. For me anyway it just seemed to snowball, getting a bit of a name as someone to watch is the hardest and first step, once you achieve that it all fell in to place and small work offers started coming along...

That's pretty much what I did, and it seems to be going alright so far. Two years in to being full time and showing no sign of slowing down...



Sunday 11 September 2011

The new WideOpen mag...

Being the staff shooter for is great, some where I can throw any images that don't seem to fit anywhere else, they might not even make it in there, but its nice to be so involved in such a great project. With each and every issue of the magazine it seems to just get better and better, more and more slick, the same great content and all for free via your win ?

Anyway the new issue came out a few days ago and has a fair bit of my work in from various shoots and events from the last few months including interviews with Danny Hart and Josh Brycland, BDS rounds, NASS, The world champs, The cover etc

So I just wanted to do a quick blog post with a few of my favorite images from the latest offering and say why they are my favorites... so without further a do...

Mr Hart in the morning practice of the same day he re-wrote MTB history...sideways of course...

And again the northern pinner on the cover again at the worlds

An older shot of Josh Bryceland from a few months ago now riding some of his local tracks

Simple head shot portrait of Alan Milway, so simple and yet so good...

Shot from NASS festival, big man Bob Manchester boosting it sideways in the middle of the dirt course

Title shot for Josh's interview, another shot from the same shoot as the shot of him above, for more from that shoot see here:

Another one of Danny Hart, this one is half way through his interview, again shot at Champery worlds but when it was dry at the start of the week...

Few more lifestyle shots from NASS, the kind of shots you get thanks to having the camera there and then...

A shot from the race that nearly was... GlenCoe BDS 2010, worst days shooting a race I have ever had hands down...

Title shot for Danny's interview, guess what race? yep you guessed it...worlds! My fav shot of him from the week, just looks lit, which of course he was LOOK AT THE TIME!

A month or so ago I had WO editor and his rabble come and ride my local woods and check out the local scene, a load of old shots in here but some good uns...

A story telling image, Miami sat in the SPS van after winning the Llangollen BDS on the phone to his old man letting him know the good news... good race, maybe my fav one of the year...?

Another shot from the Tavi scene repo, Gawton and the trails in town, I got it good down ere!

Again part of the Tavi repo, my mate Harry with a cow bell with one o the young rippers getting all bow, god bless em!

Another shot from Glen Coe BDS, it was hard work shooting at all, let alone anything worth putting in a magazine, but I managed it, good shot of Peaty who looks like he is having a whale of a time haha NOT!

So that sums that up, next post will be about LOCALS2, my new film coming out this keep an eye out for that...

Ta J