Monday 25 February 2008

Wales with brewin and ??? ( foot out flat out shoot n0 2)

Hi just got back from what has to be the best and worst weekends shooting ive ever had. got 1 hours sleep the whole weekend but got some mint shots and met some class new people. anyway here are some of the best shots of him i got. sorry for all the black and white versions as well as colour but i just wasnt sure which looked better. anyway enjoy. jacob

Sunday 17 February 2008

Welsh trail centre

Went to some centre in wales this sunday with a few of the tavi locals. here are some of the shots. enjoy!

Thursday 7 February 2008


Finaly had some snow down in devon , stuck to the high ground so ment getting up on to the moors to get some shots of the one day winter wonder. hands froze solid but got what i think are some nice photos. anyway enjoy.