Thursday 28 August 2008

Some more of my mates skating

Hi , just a few more of my mates Fred and El skating in our local park. just had to take some shots today ha

Friday 22 August 2008

Some of my dog

Went on a nice walk with my dog this evening and the light was amazing so got some really nice shots of sunny. anyway here they are:
And a nice one of the grass she was lying in...

Some more bored portraits

Some more photos of my mates with me trying out lighting set ups and ideas. not amazing but getting better i feel.

he will hate me for putting them up but o well.

Sunday 17 August 2008


Was down there today with a few of my mates for his bday and met a oldish mate and also a shit hot rider Nate stephens who did a line a few times for me so i could get some shots of his rather good tables ha. anyway wether was grey so made them black and white as colours wherent to great. here ya go!:

Wednesday 13 August 2008

New portfolio

Hi , just made my self a nice new shiny portfolio to replace the cheap flickr slideshow.

Here it is:

have a look and id be glad to hear what you think.

Thanks a lot Jacob

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Some skating shots of my mate El

Just some shots of a good mate of mine Elliot skating at the local multi story carpark one wet day. got shots of otehr people but these 3 shots are all of him and all link well together.
