Right, Once again sorry for the lack of updates on here but when your busy traveling, getting work to the people paying your wages is more important than updating the blog, simples!
But now I have a few days off I will fill you in with where Ive been and what Ive been doing...
Went From Fort William World cup, to some other shoots for Dirt , Right to Leogang , the straight off up to Wales for the 3rd Rd of the BDS, now have 5 days to chill and catch up on work...
Anyway some photos from Leogang...
For All the WCs this year tune in to www.Descent-world.co.uk for 30 or so of the best shots I get everyday at the WCs... So yeh during the WC thats updated daily with all the best shit I get...go on there!
Few of my favs...

WillPut some stuff the BDS in a differant post...