Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Few bits of recent published work...

Once again sorry for not updating this thing for a while, but IM not really to sorry because the reason for it is that I have just been really busy working, which is a good thing. Anyway I was down at Madison HQ last week doing a few days work and found a few trade brand catalogs with a good deal of my shots in so thought I would take a few shots on my phone and get them on here. Always nice to see your photos in print and not just pixels on a screen, makes them more "real" ... First up is the 2012 Saracen dealer pack, got a fair bit in there...

Harry Molloy, shot from Leogang WC
Ariel shoot last year
another Ariel shot
Bit about Manon with shots from Ft Bill WC
general team shots from Ft Bill and BDS 1
harry pushing up at the trails
Shot from a shoot we did up in Scotland for the ariels
Next up is the dealers pack for Genesis bikes, again few of my shots in here from various shoots...

Few shots from a shoot we did for their track bike
More from that shoot
Some from a more MTB shoot we did in Wales
And the cover from the track bike shoot

And now a few adverts from various magazines, and a few shots that just made it to print in them...

Ad thats been running for the Ariel for a little while now...
Shot in MBUK a few months back when Rat won the BDS
Head shot of Cunningham when he took the Nat Champs win...
And cool advert from a madison clothing shoot we did in centeral Bristol in a trade magazine... 

Anyway that about wraps this post up, more to come soon with any luck... Ta J

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Few things a bit different...

Wanted to call this post "bikes,boards and beats" but the tacky detector in my head wouldnt let me haha 

Over the last few weeks I have had the chance to shoot a few events that are a bit out of the norm for me. Freeze snow sports festival in London and a Hospitality club night in Oxford. Now I like watching snowboarding etc, and like going to festivals, so this one was a bit of a no brainer, take the camera, have some fun, shoot some photos. DONE. Put that with a great night out after in London and seeing one of my filmer/biker mates who's at uni there and that's that. As for the Hospitality night in Oxford, that was something I have wanted to do for a few years. For those that know me I'm a huge drum and bass head, go to a load of these nights all over so getting a VIP pass for one, shooting photos of some of my fav artists was pretty sweet... Then was a BMX road trip round Cornwall with a load of 30-40 year olds. Loose as shit and great fun...to busy drinking to take many photos as this was mainly a holiday but I cant do a holiday without taking a few photos ha Anyway have a look below for a few of my favs and a bit about them:

View from the top of the Roll in at Freeze
Looking down from the jump over the festival and London beond
Pretty scarry looking down the death slide of ice
Some nutter doing a spinny thing
Held at the big old power station in the middle of London its nice and easy to get to
Then was Hospitality:
Spy getting the job done
The MCs on the night where top notch
Having never shot in a club before it was learn fast or get shit photos, hard work getting good shots in there
And a few of the 20"
My mate Joe doing a little whip/tyre slide thing
mini pocket air while some of the other "old fools" look on 

Anyway that wraps it up for another blog post, if you read all of it thanks. If you just looked at the photos your not reading this anyway ha

More on the second shoot for Locals2 with Josh Bryceland and Sam Dale in the next day or so...