Wednesday, 21 February 2007

cox tor and our woods 21/2/07

Hi i have just got back from a days photographing up on cox tor and at our local woods.

to see more go on the gallery. here are 2. first from cox tor second from our woods.

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Birds hill RD 4

hi just got back from Birds hill rd 4, was very wet and slippy(not to bad with walking boots lol).

the track was short but sweet , so everyone was saying nice a hard. winner of the senior cat and of the day was ben baker with all evans in second and ash mull in 3rd.

got a lot of good photos all in the gallery link above or for you lazy people there.

If you want to put any of my photos online anywhere eg(pinkbike, sdh ect ect) please link back to this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if the link doesnt take you to the gallery it is because the daily band width has exceded , try again the next day.

(all the fish eye shots where taken on my mate sageys lens, ta mate)

Friday, 9 February 2007

Hi here are a couple of pics i got on sunday(4th/2/07) hell this weathers weird , it was boiling i was roasting in a tee when riding and then 3 days later wide spread snow, o well go global warming i say lol ( i do not suport climate change!)