Tuesday 18 January 2011

Adam Brayton - Pre Season video...

A month or so ago my mate and totally pinner Adam Brayton called me up and asked if he could come down and stay with me for a few days after new years and do some shooting and ride down my way. I said yes of course, and that weekend was the one just gone.

2 full days shooting, got some great stuff, sent some big gaps, hit some turns so hard I thought he would break the ground...but the final product can be seen bellow.

The video is also on youtube,pinbike,mpora,vital so go find it on there and add it to your favs, if you liked it that is.

I got a good number of great still shots aswell while he was down, but Dirt are interested in running a few so they cant go online just yet...but when they do there are a few differant looking shots in there.

I have tweeted over the past few days with some shots of my pc as ive been working on the shots, see the twitter bar over here -----> keep an eye on that, or follow me on there @JacobGibbins

First sneak peek shot is a flashed sequence shot on the big step down at 3:10 in the video...

The gap for mere mortals is about 25 feet, but where most people are just rolling, Brayton was on the gas as hard as he could and said he wanted to build the turn in to this in to a nice smooth berm so he could go even further...to where he was landing was a good 40-50 foot! keep an eye on the blog and my facebook and twitter for when this shot goes online high res...its a good un.

I also tried something a bit different, the walls in my dinning room are nice and white, So thought we would shoot some high key , studio style portraits of him and his bike, I cant put any other shots up as again , Dirt want them, but when I can I have some set up shots of the lighting and the whole room so you can see just how these shots where made with such a shitty set up...

Thanks for looking, and keep an eye on FB,Twitter, the blog etc for more news...

1 comment:

  1. Liking my high line being used after the table! hey milky! haha
